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A small town Wisconsin girl, living in New England and sharing my thoughts on this crazy, beautiful life! Welcome.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Finals Week

I suppose attempting to start a blog during the craziness of finals week may not be the best idea, but when there's the itch to write, what can a girl do? I've actually never pegged myself as the blogging type, but after leaving my once faithfully kept journals to collect dust amidst candy wrappers and forgotten Latin flashcards, I've decided I still need to write. This may be a failed attempt, but it's still an effort to share my silly thoughts, right?  So in between my merely academic scribblings at college, I'll try to write about life as a nineteen year-old student, living on a mountain in snowy, sleepy New Hampshire, and attending a small liberal arts college. If you're wondering what it looks like, don't worry, I make attempts at  photography too! And now, I need to return to the reality that finals week is here.
                                                  Much coffee will be consumed.
The college's little chapel.

The view I get to see every day on my walks to and from class.

Heading back to my the dorm under falling snow, with the  glow of  Narnia-like lamps guiding my way.

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