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A small town Wisconsin girl, living in New England and sharing my thoughts on this crazy, beautiful life! Welcome.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Princess Charming-But-Only-After-Caffeine-Consumption

In between reading Chaucer and DesCartes, Latin tests and job hunting on the web, I've found myself thinking a lot about where I'm headed in my life and just how much of that involves this handsome ginger I happen to be dating and I think I'd like to do a series of posts about relationships. Not to go all sentimental on you, but just because I have a lot of weird ideas that need to be spilled and vented properly.

Since starting my first serious relationship I've had the realization that I am SO unprepared for marriage. In my book, that's the entire purpose of dating, to see if that person is someone you would spend the rest of your life with. Hence, why I was not allowed to date in high school, because when you still need your mom to drive you to the theater, it just doesn't make sense.

On the other hand, I'm not advocating that people go out "hunting" for a spouse once they reach a decent age, which seems to be a fairly common concept, especially among Catholics and Christians. If you've reached seventeen and you feel the need to start talking to that older guy with the pit bull next door, just stop and breathe. There's no need to do that.

The right person for you will come into your life at some point, and when they do, it'll be fantastic! But until then, calm down. Relax. Go have some adventures, eat some Starburst jelly beans, try underwater basket weaving, and DON'T PANIC. You can wait around listening to Taylor Swift songs and expecting Prince Charming to fall from the sky, or you can live life, and while you're out star-gazing from the Rockies, or becoming a Marine Biologist,  you might just find that other person in the most unexpected way possible. I honestly believe that when you stop fretting about it, you become that much happier and as the lovely miss Audrey Hepburn said:

On the other hand, if you are currently in a relationship and feeling all those tingly feels, think about what that means.
I know for me, maybe due to those baby-doll toting instincts that started around age two, I grew up determined that I would just get married as soon as humanly possible. Now, however, I look in the mirror and think, "Me? Get married right now? Umm...... hahahaha! NO." It's not because I have an aversion to marriage, or that I feel drawn to a fancy little desk job somewhere. Nope. For me, it's simply a realization that I have so much to work on before I can be a dependable spouse for any guy, whether it's the one I'm currently dating, or someone I'll meet 10 years from now. How can I expect a Prince Charming when I'm essentially Princess Sometimes-Charming-But-Only-After-Caffeine? It's a two way street, people.

I've been told that marriage is difficult; really, really difficult and when I find myself struggling to get my teeth brushed and makeup on before 2 p.m. every day , I just realize that in no way am I in a responsible enough state of existence to be someone's wife, or mother. I want to be ready and capable before I make that leap. I  understand that no one can ever be 100% prepared, but it would be great to at least be somewhere around half that, or maybe to just be able to choose an apple over a dozen Chips Ahoy when the scale indicates it's time. At the very least, I want to be kinder, stronger, sweeter, and wiser. Not perfect, just better. Is that too much to ask?

Obviously, everyone is unique, but I just want to say to any one considering marriage, or searching for "the one," try not to rush into things. If that person really loves you, they'll understand that it takes time to figure life out, to grow, mature, and have a few crazy adventures before the serious stuff begins. And if you feel like he or she is nowhere to be found, stop looking around every corner for him. Take some time to focus on your own personal growth. The more you've grown in all the best areas of your personality, the better it'll be when things do get difficult, as they undoubtedly will down the road.

So, from Princess Charming-But-Only-After-Caffeine-Consumption to you... drink ALL the coffee and work on that charm stuff. It'll be okay. 


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