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A small town Wisconsin girl, living in New England and sharing my thoughts on this crazy, beautiful life! Welcome.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

In My Wildest Dreams- The Beauty of This Unpredictable Life

Life has been insanely busy and so exciting lately, and I haven't taken a moment to just write about it. 

So, I wanted to just reflect really briefly on just how much of a roller-coaster I've been on lately and why that ride has been the best thing that's happened to me: as in, EVER!

For one thing, I'm getting married. Wait, wait, let me say that again: I'M GETTING MARRIED. Sometimes throughout the day, I'll just think about it and feel for the ring on my left hand, and just say, "Wow. This is really happening!" 

I am at last, after three years of dating, two of which were long-distance, going to be with my handsome ginger. No more saying goodbye at airports, or goodnight over a phone when we're thousands of miles apart. No more wishing I could see his facial expressions, instead of having to picture them in my mind while I tell him something about my day. It may sound dramatic, but for anyone who has been in a long distance relationship for an extended period of time, well, you know what I'm talking about.

Secondly, I recently applied for my dream job: working as a nanny in Rome, with all expenses paid. Going to Europe has been a dream since I was little and I tried several times to get there, without success. Until now... in my senior year of college, when out of the blue, an opportunity presented itself. After multiple interviews, and  much anxious waiting, I was given the job! So, yes, I am going to Rome for six weeks this summer to watch a darling baby, eat gelato, and soak up every moment I can of another country's culture! Amen? Amen!

Finally, after opening an Etsy shop about a year ago, I have decided to try and take it to a whole new level after graduating from college. After all, the experts, whoever "they" are, always say to do what you love and I LOVE finding and selling treasures. It has paid for my coffee, my plane tickets, and my drinks on the occasional time that I get away from my homework for awhile. I can't wait to see where this next step takes me! 

Needless to say, I am feeling so overwhelmed with everything that has happened and so, so incredibly blessed by God. I am amazed at what He has done with my simple, unassuming life. It's funny how we doubt Him, how we think that He'll leave us stranded somewhere and that we'll never find direction, when in fact, He has never left us at all. 

He's been right there the whole time, and was just telling us to be patient, because He has something more incredible in store than we could possibly imagine.